Infrared Sauna Champaign IL

Nutrigenomics ​is the scientific study of the interaction between nutrition and genes, and it’s transforming how we understand many of the processes in our bodies, from metabolism to food sensitivities to hormone health.

With our DNA-based nutrition and lifestyle report, ​you can find out what you need to take your health to the next level.  It’ll help you develop a diet, lifestyle, and supplementation regimen that’s right for your DNA blueprint based on your results.

Customized and Actionable – with Supplement Recommendations
Your report will be unique to you. Although other genetic testing companies provide lifestyle testing, the​ AOR MyBlueprint Advantage ​is that we don’t stop there – your report includes a personalized action plan and recommendations for research-backed supplements to help you take the next steps in reaching your optimal health.  We can also create a customized IV Therapy Regimen that meets your unque and specific needs based on your test results.
The Statements and Services provided have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.