Infrared Sauna Champaign IL

Infrared saunas mimic the same infrared frequencies emitted by the sun and the tissues in the human body absorb these waves. This process is called “resonant absorption”, and it occurs when the frequency of the water in the body cells match the frequency of the infrared waves. When this occurs, toxins are released into the blood stream and are excreted from the body. Since the body is absorbing the heat and not the air, the body quickly begins to perspire and release the toxins.

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  • Sweat out toxins.
  • Boost the immune system.
  • Boost metabolism and lose fat.
  • Improve heart health.
  • Heal wounds faster with less scarring.
  • Reduce stress and feel bliss.
  • Reduction in chronic pain.
The Statements and Services provided have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.